July 01, 2011

A report from a senior

This is good! 
Pls read it to know more about my college >>The One Acedemy

"I actually wrote a version of this note back in year 1. However, I thought I'd repost this, with a few revisions. Considering we're graduates, I thought it'd be fitting. And memorable.

You know you go to The One Academy when...

1) You’re bad at math, but that seems to be the norm. You are in an art school after all.

2) You have at least 3 kinds of tape. They are all completely different, and they all serve completely different functions. But you know what they're for.

3) The naked picture on the screen for figures class does not arouse or disgust you because you’re too busy trying to get an ‘A’ in the class.

4) Your lecturers almost never give A’s in figures because (and they repeat it often) it's not 3D enough, or your strokes are wrong.

5) You're not as surprised by crazy fasion senses anymore.

6) Black is your worst enemy when the results are out. Before the TOA Portal was made.

7) You're surrounded by restaurants that serve all kinds of food.

8) Yet you don't know where and what to eat after class. Everyday. It's an eternal question.

9) You know the difference between violet and purple. And you blast people who don't know the difference.

10) You tried cleaning your pallette used for acrylic paint the first few times.

11) But you got lazy after a while and now its now hardened with acrylic paint all over it.

12) Your friends don't know what the hell putty rubber is when they first see it. Some refuse to believe its an eraser.

13) You’ve pulled an all-nighter on a project and still could not see any progress in the morning.

14) You’ve exploded at your friends for belittling the amount of work you receive.

15) The girl that you thought was a guy at the beginning of the year isn’t so bad.

16) Your friends not from your school do not understand #14 in the slightest.

17) The ideas that come from your mind don't quite seem the same on paper.

18) You know everyone in Vision Art.

19) The people you go to school with do not ask you to draw anything for them (excluding doing their assignments for them).

20) Ctrl-Z has been Ctrl-S into your system.

21) Despite your best efforts, you still manage to get paint, pencil or charcoal on some part of your body, somehow.

22) Your parents assume that TOA is like any other college, with the "normal" amount of assignments.

23) Your lecturer is a moron, but he is excused because he's an industry professional.

24) One of the first things to say to someone when you see them: "Have you done your assignments yet?"

25) Art school has possibly made you hate art.

26) Ming Tien's food sucks but makes a hell lot more money than you'll ever have.

27) You begin to criticize advertisements and designs that aren't designed well, in the real world.

28) Your pencils and erasers beside you go missing but other stuff you leave in the open are still there.

29) Sleep is a privilege, a rarity.

30) You get tired climbing up 3 flights of stairs, even though you do that almost everyday.

31) They consistently call a row of shoplots a "campus".

32) You're given 4 weeks for a project, and everyone starts a few days before the due date.

33) You have sat in a classroom and discussed, in great detail, the significance of an ad in which a woman with soap is considered romantic and sexy.

34) Your figures2 sketchbook would qualify to be censored in the Malaysian public domain.

35) Alcohol is easily obtainable around your campus. That's understandable.

36) Your main topics outside of school are still about the school (assignments and all).

37) Out of the 30 people in your class, at least 27 of them are Chinese, and at least one of them wears the same clothes all the time.

38) You are verbally assualted for not paying attention while watching Byzantium, or Incognito. Or that flick about a transexual.

39) Waiting in line to print things is second-nature.

40) Lousy English is extremely common.

41) Your relationships with your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend are more stable than the school's wifi.

42) You are told to "invest" in books and media, even when you're broke.

43) You can easily point out one point, two point and three point perspectives to anyone who cares to listen.

44) You notice that the circles under your eyes are a near permanent fixture.

45) It's impossible for you not to have problems with your student tag.

46) You get demoralized from seeing a drawing god do his work beside you.

47) Everyone has a laptop. If not, you're (almost) dead.

48) Guys wearing nail polish aren't a big deal anymore.

49) Your textbooks are full of pictures. Even the typography ones.

50) Your total school fees is enough to buy a small house.

51) Sunway Pyramid is now boring for you.

52) A world class school has third-world parking spaces.

53) You take smoke-breaks every chance you get.

54) Wikipedia is actually allowed as a source.

55. You actually start recognising different fonts, and remember their names too.

56. You know that the initials TOA stand for "Thousands of Assignments". Or, one of the following:
Tons of Assignments. 
Totally Ownage Assignments. 
Total Overload Assignments. 
Too Overwhelming Artworks. 
Time Over Already. 
Takes Over Alertness. 
Torture of Aesthetics. 
Tonight Overnight Again. 
The OhMyGod Academy.

Hell yeah."

A post from 1 of my senior  Howe Foo ,has already graduted

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